Friday, 30 May 2008
Blue Peter Watch - sorry for the delay!!!
This week has been a bit of a blur - myself and two other GG's have been all the way to Perth in Scotland to see Strictly Come Dancing stars Ian Waite and Camilla Dallerup (and our new pal, Will Martin). It was fabulous, and we had chance for a few words with them. We also got to see the lifty-uppy thing from my fave dance of G&C's , the Argentine tango, from the side - whoopidoo! Much as we love Ian, it also made us realise just how bloody good our Geth actually got at the whole dancing mallarkey.
What can I remember from BP this week...... err......
Tuesday - China - there were some very very cute pandas in their usual black and white, doing what they do. More importantly a very very cute Gethin Jones in tight white t-shirt and clingy white trackie bottoms (I use the term bottom very deliberately....) doing some South American dance thing I can't even be bothered to spell, but it sounded like some kind of coffee - very well done by Geth, by the way!
We also got to hear Jonesy say 'poo' several times......... it was very strange green Panda poo, too!
Wednesday - more China - this time the Shaolin monks - Andy makes a better frog (quel surpris!) - strength test was definitely Geth's, though we are starting to see some definite *wuss* tendencies (last week - 'not the face', this week, lots of 'ouch' ) - but we don't care - we like our heroes human! Must be getting old, Geth!
The piece de resistance (what's with this French?) was Geth getting his instrument out! Yes, the violin made an appearance, and I maintain that was for the GGs. At the ball, Janet almost begged the man himself to play the violin on BP before he left, and he obliged! Some other rather cute violinist was breaking a record, but nobody was really interested in that round here (HOW much was that violin worth?).
Can't remember what else - I may need to watch BP a few times.....what a hardship.
Footnote: Thank goodness we have reached the end of the interminable A-Z of wierd animals.....
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Blue peter watch - he's a good sport.............
We find out after the show that Zoe is also leaving.......some GGs hope this means Geth's party is not going to be upstaged......but she is staying on CBBC.
Wednesday - Geth in the studio and kick boxing! The pyjamas, mouthguard and helmet not a good look, but Geth did well - though it may be some time before he gets his breath back!!!
Zoe announces her departure.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Refreshing Gethin............and other tales
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Final Programme of the Young Musician of the Year competition. Particularly enjoyed the interaction of Gethin Jones with the audience and judges. I am sure he could have done the whole thing single handed - not sure of the necessity of having 3 presenters!
Also the programmes on BBC3 in the week and the 30 year programme the previous weekend were all very interesting, and Gethin is a refreshing new voice to hear narrating.
Hope to see and hear more of him in the future.
What The Beeb wrote back:
Dear Julie Thank you for your e-mail regarding 'BBC Young Musician of the Year 2008'.It was wonderful to read that you really enjoyed the final episode in the series. I also note you thought the previous programmes were enjoyable as well.
I was pleased to read that you thought Gethin Jones was refreshing and that you would like to see more of him in the future.
I would like to assure you that we have registered your comments on our audience log. This is the internal report of audience feedback which we compile daily for all programme makers and commissioning executives within the BBC, and also their senior management. It ensures that your points, and all other comments we receive, are circulated and considered across the BBC.I am pleased to state that it is always a boost to programme makers to read appreciations from the public, for the work they have put into programmes.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact the BBC.
BBC Information
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Blue Peter Watch Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th May

Looking particularly fetching in combat shorts and flipflops, Geth was in charge - again - whilst Zoe braved the Wall of Death in a traditional fairground attraction (brave Zoe, but sitting on handlebars - no fear!).

Wednesday - more outside stuff, same shorts, different top - same day?? This time Andy was co-starring on the Gethin Jones show, on the trapeze. Hmmmmm - The Beeb trying to get the others to do more of what they usually get Jonesy to do.....
Then we had the piece de resistance, Gethin the rednosed reindeer man from his trip to Finland............Blimey that looked cold.......My fave bit was Geth looking all lonely on the ice with teh smallest fishing rod ever - he really does have a gift for comedy........

I also liked the hay-chucking technique!

Monday, 12 May 2008
We had 'Coat Gate' at New Year, now 'Suit Wars'!
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Young Musician Final - finally - a new suit!!!
He joked with a rather sober 8 year old girl called Rhiannon, who has to be one of very few females not charmed by Gorgeous Gethin.....but he found this highly amusing, as did the audience. It was great to watch him joking with the judges (and flirting with the lady judges, of course), and looking relaxed and thoroughly at home in what I think they should rename the Gethin Jones Auditorium.......he seems to spend an awful lot of time there.
Aled needs to take some sartorial notes from Geth (now I bet that would amuse!) not looking so fab in a suit that was hand tailored, but, as one of the GG's put it, not for him! Bless him, we love you Aled, but you are just not the Jones for us!
We are taking bets on how soon the winner of the contest, young Peter the trombonist, will be joining Gethin in a duet on BP (probably Geth on piano, not violin though, eh?)
Saturday, 10 May 2008
Hot Gossip

Listen again here at about 15 minutes in for someone else who doesn't think much of Ms Halliwell and at 19 minutes for a bit about Gethin..........
Question Time
"Hiya its emily again. can i ask a few questions. Whats Geth like in real life? What inspired you to do the site? and Have you got any signed pics and letters from him? because I've got two signed pics and two letters from him. "
Hi Emily
To answer the first question would take rather a long time. Ten of us met him at a Ball, and he spent ages talking to us, so we wrote some reports if you want to have a look at them on the GGs website under 'Fun'. To answer you very briefly he was lovely, both to look at and talk to, a bit of a flirt (which girls of all ages like, of course!) but in a nice funny way, as you would imagine. He looked very good in his suit, I have to say.
I started this blog towards the end of Strictly last year, but didn't do anything with it for a while. We wanted somewhere to put links and stuff, then it was a stop-gap while a website was set up. One of the Girls contacted Geth's agent to ask if he minded us setting up a blog and a website - Geth said it was fine, and shortly afterwards the website was set up too. He sent us answers to some questions which are on the website under 'Interview', too. Great for you that you have letters and photos - I am impressed!
Geth signed my programme from the ball, and a picture of the group of us, and another one of him, me, Ian and Cam, taken by a professional photographer, in which I look bleurghhh but I got to stand VERY close to him, so who cares? I have to tell you I went a bit 'wibbly' as Claudia Winkleman would put it, so the whole photo-taking thing is a bit of a blur........
If you want to contact me, you can use the address that is at the bottom of the blog.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
The Gethfest...........(thanks for the title, Annie)
No, I am not being smutty - the Jones boy is on TV no less than 3 times tonight. Blue Peter at 4.35pm, the Soap Awards from 8pm on ITV1 and in good voice on BBC Young Musician of the Year at 8pm on BBC4.

Geth did the narration on the 3oth Anniversary Programme on Sunday BBC2 (hoorah!), and has been on every evening this week with the category finals, also narrating. Nice to see his name up first on the credits! For those who don't know, he is going to be one of the hosts of Saturday's final, shown on TV on Sunday.
So, a sum total of (surely this has to be a record?) 10 'appearances' on TV across 4 channels within 8 days. Happy Days!
Edited to add - he looked fantastic standing at that podium giving the award - love that suit...........can't think where I've seen it before......hmmmmm
Blue Peter Watch - China and beach bags.........
Geth tried being a Rickshaw mind was wandering....something about wishing I was the passenger instead of the bemused-looking driver who was being treated to a view of Gethin's bottom that every GG envied...........then a passenger in another rickshaw obviously recognised him, but he said he was off-duty - would have taken a GG for a twirl, surely?
There was scorpion and silk worm eating - neither of which Geth was enjoying (and you did SO not eat that Scorpion, Jonesy), and a trip to the Chinese opera, including the rather nasty make-up. Gethin Jones is not a pretty girl! Neeeeeeeee Hoooooooooowwwww!
Wednesday - In the studio!!! (Diolch, Auntie Beeb! Looking good!) Bizarrely Gethin got the job of making a beach bag, punching holes and tying things........hmmm............with Geri Halliwell - who avoided a kiss in favour of a high five (strange woman) and didn't seem to know where the camera was. Worse still when she found the camera she was looking at IT instead of Gethin (as I said, strange woman). It's all me me me with some people, eh? His eyes didn't even glaze over when listening to her nonsense.
I often need holes punching (don't ask), so maybe I can call in a favour when next I need a strong pair of hands.................oooh, errr!