Well, at the weekend we heard the dulcet tones of Mr Jones on the radio (check it out here), and now it seems that he is going to be hosting his own show on BBC Radio 5 from July (9-12). Well, that's just marvellous, but we like to LOOK at him too!!!
However, that's Saturday morning taken care of for a few weeks.
He's also been in Cardiff helping to 'open' the building work for a childrens support centre.
Strictly failed to win anything at the Baftas, though dear old Brucie got a Fellowship. Several of the Strictly stars were in the audience, as was Katherine Jenkins - but no Gethin!
....or so we thought! It rapidly started to turn into the Gethin Jones show, or as one of the GGs called it 'Strictly Come Gethin' and clip after clip from the show featured the gallant, gorgeous Welsh Dragon that is our Geth - someone else at the Beeb is living in the alternative universe where Gethin won.............
The big news for last night was that we Gethin's Girls have got ourselves an exclusive 'interview' (led by SparklingChampagne) - see http://www.strictlygethinjones.co.uk/ - and don't have a go about the layout or photos, 'cos I did that!!
We love you Gethin, oh yes we do.....................................