Apologies for anyone waiting for an update on Friday..................but your correspondent was in Cardiff and Swansea this weekend.
I traversed the country (well the M4 anyway) and paid Cardiff a little visit (lucky old Cardiff!). The Wales Millennium Centre was a fantastic sight, both inside and out and well-worth the cost of a tour.
Anyway, I digress - the point of the trip Westward was for the GGs to see Mr Jones himself hosting the Proms in the Park in Swansea's Singleton Park.
Now I did warn last week that we would be dressed in black and pink..........well, we arrived through the gate - finally, after waiting for over an hour with some other lovely folks - to a greeting from Gethin on stage, in rehearsal gear.......and a comment about our headgear! OK, so the point of the new clothing articles was to draw attention to ourselves, but who knew that would be so effective so soon?
Now, some things seem like a good idea at the time (especially after a glass *ahem* or two of champagne) - and one of mine/ours was to say yes to an interview with a lovely lady and some gentlemen from BBC Wales - good grief, what were we thinking? Please do not adjust your sets.....switch them OFF!
Anyway, we did get to speak to Geth at the end of the evening, always a delight! Diolch Geth, once again.....