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Friday, 10 October 2008

Once Upon a Time in Gethin's Girls' World

I only have one of the featured books in my VAST collection - can you guess which one?

Ballet Shoes
According to that bastion of truth , The Daily Mirror, Gethin Jones and Austin Healey are responsible for a run on the sales of men’s dancing shoes (!).
Strictly - Cam reprises some of Gethin’s jive with Tom, but nothing, absolutely nothing, is ever going to match that leap from the stage and the trouser-melting…………….

The loneliness of a long distance runner
Geth takes on the challenge of the Great North Run (his 4th half-marathon) in memory of a young lady called Tamsin and the Joshua Foundation.
Watching it live, and, woo hoo, the Beeb decide Geth is probably a good chap to follow (hmmm, wonder why) and we get a clip of the *thud* Argentine Tango from last year’s Strictly, a chat before, during, and after……………Now some of us were looking forward to a hot and sweaty Gethin, but the man barely broke into perspiration. See later report for why his very respectable time of 1hr 45 probably wasn’t any faster. Don’t believe the ‘I haven’t done much training’ line, either, by the way. It was a lovely day for a bit of a stroll and the sun shone on all the runners. Next year may see one of Geth’s Girls giving it a go (eh, ClaudiaforQueen?).

Blue Peter Annual

We find out that there will be a special Blue Peter programme on Sunday at 8.40, and that the Buck House tea party thrown by Her Majesty will be shown on the 16th - but will we get any Gethin sightings?
Let’s hope QEII does not trip over one of her own dogs as she did one of the Blue Peter menagerie.

How to be a Domestic God(dess)
apologies, Nigella
According to a rather nice interview in Now magazine, Gethin likes cleaning the bathroom, and his feet before he goes to bed. Well, that’s good, I like a bit of obsessive cleaning behaviour myself!
Geth will be on the Paul O’Grady show with Geri Hallowell (yawn, does that woman NEVER shut up?) on Friday.

Time to Say Hello
We find out in a newspaper article that Gethin and Katherine had a rude awakening from a fire alarm at 3am the night before the Great North Run - blimey what a time to get woken up - APPARENTLY they were in their PJs (now hands up all those who believe Gethin wears PJs - nobody?) . Oh and Nell McAndrew and Tony Blair were there too………..hopefully not together.

New Danger Hunters clashed with the Lottery results show but I saw most of both, Geth looking very good as the Man in Black - and thankfully doing the sensible thing by not taking on the riskiest slope..........however, getting buried alive in snow scared the bejaysus out of him, and us - don't do that again please!!!

(Gethin) Jones’s Diary

I’m doing this update early as I have things to do……but today, don’t forget:
Geth’s Daily Telegraph Strictly article - an this is a good 'un.
Heat Radio from 2pm (allegedly) apparently he was spotted in Kingston heading for the airport at lunchtime...............
Paul O’Grady Ch4 from 5pm (allegedly)