Saturday 29th November and Sunday 30th NovemberA Strictly party took up most of this weekend, with some fairly accurately predicted scores (thanks to Sue for the number 'paddles'!) and lots of food and drink - reminiscing about Series 5......consensus being that Gethin Jones was indeed, robbed, and the best dancer EVER (well perhaps not the Cha cha cha or Samba....though I am sure he would manage both better now)
Monday 1st DecemberOn a bit of a trawl around t'internet I came across the news that Gethin's 'Drink Driving' show that he mentioned at the Cosmo awards is going to be a 'Police, Camera, Action' special, screened on ITV1, 17th December at 9pm - hooorah! - an hour of Gethin!
Tuesday 2nd December & Wednesday 3rd DecemberLet's just have a picture.....

Thursday 4th December
The S4C programme, 'Cwis Meddiant' that some of us went to see a couple of weekends ago is apparently being screened starting from 7th January. Hopefully it will be online otherwise the only ones to see it will be in Wales or lucky enough to have Sky!
We get to see Gethin in his Salsa shirt on It Takes Two - can you ever see that too often??
Friday 5th DecemberWhat you may or may not know is that shocking or 'hot' pink is Gethin's Girls' signature colour.
Today, in his Telegraph 'Strictly Insider' column, Geth told the world he will be wearing shocking pink for 43 live performances on the SCD Live Tour. I trust this is a see-through pink shirt, or maybe those don't stand up well to continuous wear............shame, anyway!

Don't forget - Gethin hosts the National Lottery results on 6th and 13th December!