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Friday, 12 December 2008

What's New in a Gethin's Girl's World?

Gethin and Camilla's Argentine Tango featured in Len's Masterclass this week on Strictly 'It Takes Two' - which was good for me!!


We find out Geth will be presenting a radio show on BBC Radio Wales on New Year's Day (10.00-12.00) featuring Griff Rhys-Jones and Rebecca Evans (who refused my offer of Champagne at the Proms in the Park...;) ) (with the lovely Alfie Boe, below)

Gethin has penned his usual Friday 'Strictly Insider' column in the Telegraph today - very diplomatic there, Mr Jones!
Don't forget to tune in tonight to Strictly Come Dancing It Takes Two to see Gethin on the Friday panel (with Gabby Logan), and Wednesday on ITV1 at 9.00 for the Police Camera Action special.