Whether it is 43, 44 or 45 live shows (seems to be some different counting methods!!!!), this tour, which runs until 22nd Feb, got off to a great start for Gethin and Flavia. I guess we all knew that their greatest rivals were amongst those dancing in established partnerships, but in the words of Brucie, 'Didn't they do well?'
1-Rachel and Vincent (79)
2- Jill and Darren (78)
3 - Gethin and Flavia (77)
According to reports from Digital Spy, the Waltz was beautiful (naturally), Gethin's hips in the Salsa were amazing and the shirt was *thud* - we are guessing that it was THE see-through shirt or a variant of and that he was just messing with our heads when he said he was wearing PINK.
They both look gorgeous in THIS picture, and they are wearing lemon yellow for the 'Moulin Rouge' inspired group dance - which looks surprisingly rather good.......

And a small report in video: