Here is some video footage (as usual thanks to our animations wizard without whom we are lost!)
Another fine adventure for Gethin's Girls.....we were in attendance at the EDF Ideal Home show when Geth presented the award to worthy winner Kevin Meredith (another Welshman!).
Here is an article about Kevin's win!
We caught up with Geth after and had a bit of a chat, always a pleasure (Gethin, there's nothing wrong with my flower brooch, and no, it does NOT squirt water!).
Gethin is excited to be hosting his own brand new quiz show 'Sell me the answer!' which airs later in May/June/July on Sky 1. Filming starts next week, so that will be a busy schedule!
He was also telling us about things he had bought at the show.....and kidded us they included a jacuzzi with mirror and TV!
We knew from him and now officially that he will be hosting a Radio 5 Live show over the Summer - from 6th June to 29th August .......... so make space in your busy diaries!
I'm off now to try to use the various things I bought from the Ideal Home!