Geth's R5 live programme was late starting. In the studio, they were looking ever so slightly BORED BORED BORED as Nicky Campbell ineptly handled links and apologised for messing up Geth's programme.

Hardeep Singh Koli did a hilarious programme from the Eisteddfod, quote: 'I feel so Welsh - without the hangups!'
A much better programme, with Gethin handling the links to Beijing expertly - give the right man the job next time, Auntie Beeb!!!!!
*drums fingers* - nothing much happening. Hopefully Geth is getting chance for a bit of a break....
Tuesday & Wednesday
Nothing going on in the trashy mags (and we have a specially-appointed trashy-mag scanner)
Radio Times suggests there is no Gethin on radio for the weekend of 23/24 August either*....and we know he is not on this weekend.
* The R5 live website says yes to next Saturday and Sunday - 9 to 11 on Saturday 10 to 12 on Sunday
GGs in Wales report sightings of Geth (sadly only on an Eisteddfod poster).
It appears he is cutting hair for charity in September. Anybody thinking of taking up this offer, please see Blue Peter 'makes' - *Gethin Jones - step away from the scissors*.
I have uploaded a new photo to Geth's Wikipedia page........

Speculation has been made about whether Geth will make an appearance at the 2012 Handover Party on The Mall on 24th August.....................a certain Welsh Diva is singing, so I guess it is a possibility.