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Friday, 22 August 2008

This week's report...........

Saturday and Sunday - C minus
- A whole lot of nothing going on…………hope Geth’s having a nice break

Monday - A
We found out that Gethin will be presenting an award at the National lottery awards on 30th August

Tuesday - A plus
The words ‘Gethin Jones’ appear on the front cover of the Radio Times, and Gethin is there in the ‘final word’ section, nice picture (funny that, used to be on the SGJ website……), and a long article about his Radio 5 Live show. Inquiring minds wish to know why this did not appear sooner, and whether this is still just Geth’s holiday job………………….

Wednesday - A minus
Gethin’s FA video mate, Ben Shepherd, is hosting the Lottery awards. Give Geth a break!

Thursday - A plus
GGs discover , a site we feel Jonesy would appreciate. Small gems are the newsletter, and ‘underpant toast‘…………………

Friday - Ungraded
Will post contents of Gethin’s radio show as and when they appear. Don’t forget, Radio 5 Live - 9-11 Saturday and 10-12 Sunday